Home » OnBrand’18 at SugarFactory

OnBrand’18 at SugarFactory


Bietenwasruimte Binnenstraat Middenfabriek Pulppersloods
  • Lectures, workshops and networking opportunities.
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Marketing software specialist Bynder did not have to think long about the location for her international OnBrand event in October 2018. It was, just like last year’s edition, SugarFactory in Halfweg.

Over 1600 participants from the Netherlands and abroad gathered in SugarFactory on 11 October for Europe’s leading conference in the field of branding and marketing. Top marketers, brand directors and creatives spent the day discussing trends and the future of marketing. In addition, they listened to numerous keynote speakers who gave their vision on how brands can remain top of mind and favourite with consumers and customers in these times of great change.

The entire event location of SugarFactory was used for OnBrand. Two main stages were built, two workshop spaces were constructed and a special Brand Tech stage was build. The placement of the VIP reception on the so-called sugar deck was also a great discovery; subtly separated and yet part of the ambiance of the conference. In addition, there were plenty of lounge areas, an outdoor food square and a partner room where smaller meeting places were set up for networking.

“This location has a unique industrial look and feel. Exactly that makes it more than excellent for a modern event concept as we have in mind for our international guests” – Kitija Rubike, PR and Brand specialist at Bynder.

Last year the theme of the OnBrand event was technical futurism last year, this year the organisation chose an earth-like concept. This was reflected in elements of the interior – such as the wooden tree object in the central area – and the catering concept. Dishes, snacks and drinks subtly refer to natural origin and purity.

Text: Henny Beijer | Photography: Dan Taylor.
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