Home » Fashion Player Awards

Fashion Player Awards

Fashion Award

  • Luxury brands stands
  • Award show
  • Drinks
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Warner Hahn is Fashion Player 2016!

This was announced during the Fashion Player Awards 2016. The lifestyle and fashion brand Life After Football chose the goalkeeper from Feyenoord to best dressed Dutch footballer. And this did not happen without an appropriate party. In an attempt to look better than Hahn, the Netherlands came to SugarCity to show off his outfit.

At the event the guests were welcomed by the green carpet of grass. After a picture in front of the sponsor board, which is how it should be with football, they were warmly welcomed in the cloakroom. Upon entry, the many sponsors showed luxury products that many footballers would like to have. Between the stands there was room for a chat and a drink.

During the big announcement the group was moved to the other part of the Middenfabriek. After an appropriate announcement the winner was announced in a spectacular way. When the canvas fell, the winner appeared enlarged on a poster. Hahn received his prize and the evening ended with a drink. The unique mix of football and fashion culture was successfully celebrated at SugarFactory!


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