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Live events vs. hybride events: the pros and cons

We’re so glad the world is back in business again! Welcoming inspiring live events that are bursting with energy is something we have been eagerly looking forward to. Yet the pandemic has made a lasting impact on the world of events.

Where we had to make a 180 degree turn from live events to online events, hybrid events now seem to be the best of both worlds. But what are the pros and cons of live and hybrid events? And how do you make the right choice when organising your next event? In this blog, we take you through the latest developments and the future of (digital) events.

The benefits of live events

There is something magical about organising and attending live events. From concept to execution; creating an unforgettable event for both company and visitor. Besides the fact that all the senses are triggered during a live event, with the help of (live) music, light effects and catering, it also offers the opportunity to respond to situations more easily. You can taste the atmosphere, make use of spontaneous ideas and interact with the audience in a more personal way than is possible digitally.

Of course, live events also have their challenges. Finding a suitable event location is essential for the experience and setting of the event. This of course also takes into account the number of guests, as this is limited at a physical event. Fortunately, our industrial event location has enough room for 8,000 people in total!

The possibilities of hybrid events

Digital events a bore? We beg to differ, especially when they are combined with a live component during so-called hybrid events! This way, you bring together the best of both live events and online technology. This extra dimension – where guests meet both online and offline – offers many opportunities. Think of dialling people in and connecting them with the studio, interactive quizzes or sending food boxes. The number of online guests at a hybrid event is unlimited. This allows you to organise larger and international events without having to take the capacity of the location into account.

Of course, it is important to have a good technical set-up so that the hybrid event runs smoothly and the guests on location and online have the same experience. Fortunately, there are plenty of platforms and tools you can use for this. It can also be wise to hire an online director to make sure everything runs smoothly. We work closely with Bazelmans AV, our preferred supplier in audiovisual technique, who knows our location inside out for an optimal setting.

The future of events

It is fair to say that hybrid events have made their breakthrough. But it doesn’t stop here. The developments are in full swing and the metaverse also offers many opportunities for events! It even promises to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual world. This innovative way of hosting events is being experimented with extensively at the moment.

An example is that visitors come together in a virtual world as ‘avatars’ with the help of VR glasses. In this 3D environment, more is possible than a static screen. You move in the metaverse in the same way as you do in the real world. The metaverse can be a valuable part of hybrid events and offers new opportunities for gamification, self-expression and creativity.

The pandemic has challenged us to come up with creative solutions and create events that are as inspiring online as they are offline. After experiencing the best of both worlds, we know for sure: hybrid events are here to stay! The world of events is constantly changing in order to create an optimal visitor experience.

Are you looking for a nice location for future physical and/or hybrid events? We at SugarFactory like to think along with you. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.

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