Home » Sabine Fredriks appointed as new director of SugarFactory

Sabine Fredriks appointed as new director of SugarFactory

SugarFactory is pleased to announce Sabine Fredriks as its new managing director, as of 1 February 2024. She succeeds Denise Schimmel, the visionary founder of SugarFactory (formerly known as SugarCity Events), who transformed the former CSM sugar factory into one of the Netherlands’ leading industrial event venues with an impressive track record of national and international events. With full confidence in the future, Denise passes SugarFactory on to Sabine, who will bring passion and heart for events together with a wealth of experience.

Venue with a rich history

Over the past 11 years, Denise Schimmel achieved an unprecedented feat in transforming the old factory into a dynamic event venue for leading brands and companies. She shares her thoughts on this period: ”For me, the ultimate challenge was to create something unique from this raw, characteristic place with such a rich history. I succeeded in doing so by allowing the factory to retain its rough character while meeting the modern requirements for an event venue. Now it is time for the next step.”

New phase for SugarFactory

With the arrival of Sabine Fredriks, SugarFactory enters a new phase. Besides hosting events, SugarFactory’s services will be further expanded in the future. She emphasises, “SugarFactory has endless possibilities. Denise has created a venue where everything is possible and I would love to contribute to that.” Sabine looks forward to continuing to build on SugarFactory’s success together with existing and new relations, making the most of the opportunities of this beautiful venue.

Growth through new initiatives

The potential of the location, the knowledge of the existing team and Sabine’s creative approach and ambitions are a promising combination that will ensure significant growth as well as a diversification of the offer in the coming years. Denise is confident that SugarFactory will have a bright future under Sabine’s leadership. Of course, she will continue to follow ‘her factory’ closely, especially now that the ambition has been expressed to organise its own events in the future. ”A dream come true,” Sabine says. ”We have all the ingredients in house and plenty of ideas, so it’s showtime now!”

Denise’s SugarFactory is proudly passing on to Sabine Fredriks, who is heralding a new era for this unique venue with her new and creative vision.

About Sabine Fredriks

After completing her business studies at Radboud University Nijmegen, Sabine held different positions and roles at ING in areas including business management, communications and events. She also devoted herself for a long time to the sustainable growth of entrepreneurs in the Netherlands and created concepts and events for various clients from her own company. Sabine has four children and lives in Harderwijk.

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